Men Who Pray
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
More from this series:
1 Timothy 6 | How do you find contentment? This passage tells us godliness with contentment is great gain. How do we experience that life of great gain? In this passage, we will unpack the heart, threat, pursuit, and practices of one who is living a life content in the Lord.
1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 | Honor seems to be a big deal to God. Three times in this part of 1 Timothy we are told to honor certain groups of people in the household of God: widows, elders, and masters. This week, we look at what it looks like to honor the authority God has put over us in the church and in the workplace. To obey God by honoring those He calls us to ultimately honors Him as the Most Honorable One. So let's look together this week at how to honor elders and bosses.
1 Timothy 5:3-16 | From cover to cover in the Bible, this is very clear: God has a huge heart for the care of widows. In this week's passage, we get clear instructions from God's Word on how the widows of our household are to be cared for. If this is such a big deal to God, it must be a big deal for God's household. Let's understand what all this passage says so our hearts match God's heart in the care of our widows.
1 Timothy 5:1-2 | One of the most beautiful and often taken for granted times is when the many generations of a family gather together. The joy of a loving family interacting cross-generationally often turns out to be some of our riches memories in life. If we are a family as God’s household, we must know how the gospel shapes us to interact cross-generationally. This week’s passage guides each generation of the family to love one another like family.
1 Timothy 4:6-16 | We all desire to be good servants of Christ, but do we know the costliness to which a good servant of Christ is called? Are we prepared for the life of diligence and discipline Jesus calls his servants to? Do we know what we must train in to steward the call to follow Jesus? Empowered by His grace, we look at the High Call To Christ’s Servants
1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 | Paul warns that in later times some will depart from the faith and be led astray by gospel undermining lies. This later time he talked about is our time now. What are the means of grace God has given us to cling to truth in the whirlwind of lies? This passage will guide us into the pillars of truth in the whirlwind of gospel undermining lies.
1 Timothy 3:8-13 | What comes to mind when you hear the word deacon varies widely based on your past church experience: from never having heard the term, to viewing deacons as those that care for the facility and provide food, to experiencing the deacons as the governing body of a church. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy so that “you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God.” (1 Timothy 3:15) So regardless of our past experiences, or even church tradition, we want to ensure we are following God’s model for the role of deacon in the household of God. And what we will find when studying the text of 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and also looking at a story in Acts 6:1-7, is that when deacons serve well in the household of God, needs are met, the Word is proclaimed, and the body is unified.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Healthy households have healthy leadership. The household of God must be led by leaders God calls and qualifies for the task. So who are the overseers of the house to be? And how do we know who is qualified for the task? These seven verses from 1 Timothy provide the answers for us.
1 Timothy 2:9-15 | The women in the household of God get a special opportunity to shine the light on the gospel in a deeply counter-cultural way. As we come to this section of the letter, we dive directly into one of the most controversial parts of scripture. Can women wear braids? What does Paul mean that he doesn't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men? What is cultural for the church in that day and what is true for our church today? We want to behave the way God calls his household to behave, and so Sunday we journey through this passage together.
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.
Creating a Life of Gospel Magnetism
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
More from this series:
1 Timothy 6 | How do you find contentment? This passage tells us godliness with contentment is great gain. How do we experience that life of great gain? In this passage, we will unpack the heart, threat, pursuit, and practices of one who is living a life content in the Lord.
1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 | Honor seems to be a big deal to God. Three times in this part of 1 Timothy we are told to honor certain groups of people in the household of God: widows, elders, and masters. This week, we look at what it looks like to honor the authority God has put over us in the church and in the workplace. To obey God by honoring those He calls us to ultimately honors Him as the Most Honorable One. So let's look together this week at how to honor elders and bosses.
1 Timothy 5:3-16 | From cover to cover in the Bible, this is very clear: God has a huge heart for the care of widows. In this week's passage, we get clear instructions from God's Word on how the widows of our household are to be cared for. If this is such a big deal to God, it must be a big deal for God's household. Let's understand what all this passage says so our hearts match God's heart in the care of our widows.
1 Timothy 5:1-2 | One of the most beautiful and often taken for granted times is when the many generations of a family gather together. The joy of a loving family interacting cross-generationally often turns out to be some of our riches memories in life. If we are a family as God’s household, we must know how the gospel shapes us to interact cross-generationally. This week’s passage guides each generation of the family to love one another like family.
1 Timothy 4:6-16 | We all desire to be good servants of Christ, but do we know the costliness to which a good servant of Christ is called? Are we prepared for the life of diligence and discipline Jesus calls his servants to? Do we know what we must train in to steward the call to follow Jesus? Empowered by His grace, we look at the High Call To Christ’s Servants
1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 | Paul warns that in later times some will depart from the faith and be led astray by gospel undermining lies. This later time he talked about is our time now. What are the means of grace God has given us to cling to truth in the whirlwind of lies? This passage will guide us into the pillars of truth in the whirlwind of gospel undermining lies.
1 Timothy 3:8-13 | What comes to mind when you hear the word deacon varies widely based on your past church experience: from never having heard the term, to viewing deacons as those that care for the facility and provide food, to experiencing the deacons as the governing body of a church. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy so that “you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God.” (1 Timothy 3:15) So regardless of our past experiences, or even church tradition, we want to ensure we are following God’s model for the role of deacon in the household of God. And what we will find when studying the text of 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and also looking at a story in Acts 6:1-7, is that when deacons serve well in the household of God, needs are met, the Word is proclaimed, and the body is unified.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Healthy households have healthy leadership. The household of God must be led by leaders God calls and qualifies for the task. So who are the overseers of the house to be? And how do we know who is qualified for the task? These seven verses from 1 Timothy provide the answers for us.
1 Timothy 2:9-15 | The women in the household of God get a special opportunity to shine the light on the gospel in a deeply counter-cultural way. As we come to this section of the letter, we dive directly into one of the most controversial parts of scripture. Can women wear braids? What does Paul mean that he doesn't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men? What is cultural for the church in that day and what is true for our church today? We want to behave the way God calls his household to behave, and so Sunday we journey through this passage together.
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.
The Law, the Gospel, and Good News for Sinners
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
More from this series:
1 Timothy 6 | How do you find contentment? This passage tells us godliness with contentment is great gain. How do we experience that life of great gain? In this passage, we will unpack the heart, threat, pursuit, and practices of one who is living a life content in the Lord.
1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 | Honor seems to be a big deal to God. Three times in this part of 1 Timothy we are told to honor certain groups of people in the household of God: widows, elders, and masters. This week, we look at what it looks like to honor the authority God has put over us in the church and in the workplace. To obey God by honoring those He calls us to ultimately honors Him as the Most Honorable One. So let's look together this week at how to honor elders and bosses.
1 Timothy 5:3-16 | From cover to cover in the Bible, this is very clear: God has a huge heart for the care of widows. In this week's passage, we get clear instructions from God's Word on how the widows of our household are to be cared for. If this is such a big deal to God, it must be a big deal for God's household. Let's understand what all this passage says so our hearts match God's heart in the care of our widows.
1 Timothy 5:1-2 | One of the most beautiful and often taken for granted times is when the many generations of a family gather together. The joy of a loving family interacting cross-generationally often turns out to be some of our riches memories in life. If we are a family as God’s household, we must know how the gospel shapes us to interact cross-generationally. This week’s passage guides each generation of the family to love one another like family.
1 Timothy 4:6-16 | We all desire to be good servants of Christ, but do we know the costliness to which a good servant of Christ is called? Are we prepared for the life of diligence and discipline Jesus calls his servants to? Do we know what we must train in to steward the call to follow Jesus? Empowered by His grace, we look at the High Call To Christ’s Servants
1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 | Paul warns that in later times some will depart from the faith and be led astray by gospel undermining lies. This later time he talked about is our time now. What are the means of grace God has given us to cling to truth in the whirlwind of lies? This passage will guide us into the pillars of truth in the whirlwind of gospel undermining lies.
1 Timothy 3:8-13 | What comes to mind when you hear the word deacon varies widely based on your past church experience: from never having heard the term, to viewing deacons as those that care for the facility and provide food, to experiencing the deacons as the governing body of a church. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy so that “you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God.” (1 Timothy 3:15) So regardless of our past experiences, or even church tradition, we want to ensure we are following God’s model for the role of deacon in the household of God. And what we will find when studying the text of 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and also looking at a story in Acts 6:1-7, is that when deacons serve well in the household of God, needs are met, the Word is proclaimed, and the body is unified.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Healthy households have healthy leadership. The household of God must be led by leaders God calls and qualifies for the task. So who are the overseers of the house to be? And how do we know who is qualified for the task? These seven verses from 1 Timothy provide the answers for us.
1 Timothy 2:9-15 | The women in the household of God get a special opportunity to shine the light on the gospel in a deeply counter-cultural way. As we come to this section of the letter, we dive directly into one of the most controversial parts of scripture. Can women wear braids? What does Paul mean that he doesn't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men? What is cultural for the church in that day and what is true for our church today? We want to behave the way God calls his household to behave, and so Sunday we journey through this passage together.
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.
Good Doctrine + Gospel Devotion
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.
More from this series:
1 Timothy 6 | How do you find contentment? This passage tells us godliness with contentment is great gain. How do we experience that life of great gain? In this passage, we will unpack the heart, threat, pursuit, and practices of one who is living a life content in the Lord.
1 Timothy 5:17-6:21 | Honor seems to be a big deal to God. Three times in this part of 1 Timothy we are told to honor certain groups of people in the household of God: widows, elders, and masters. This week, we look at what it looks like to honor the authority God has put over us in the church and in the workplace. To obey God by honoring those He calls us to ultimately honors Him as the Most Honorable One. So let's look together this week at how to honor elders and bosses.
1 Timothy 5:3-16 | From cover to cover in the Bible, this is very clear: God has a huge heart for the care of widows. In this week's passage, we get clear instructions from God's Word on how the widows of our household are to be cared for. If this is such a big deal to God, it must be a big deal for God's household. Let's understand what all this passage says so our hearts match God's heart in the care of our widows.
1 Timothy 5:1-2 | One of the most beautiful and often taken for granted times is when the many generations of a family gather together. The joy of a loving family interacting cross-generationally often turns out to be some of our riches memories in life. If we are a family as God’s household, we must know how the gospel shapes us to interact cross-generationally. This week’s passage guides each generation of the family to love one another like family.
1 Timothy 4:6-16 | We all desire to be good servants of Christ, but do we know the costliness to which a good servant of Christ is called? Are we prepared for the life of diligence and discipline Jesus calls his servants to? Do we know what we must train in to steward the call to follow Jesus? Empowered by His grace, we look at the High Call To Christ’s Servants
1 Timothy 3:14-4:5 | Paul warns that in later times some will depart from the faith and be led astray by gospel undermining lies. This later time he talked about is our time now. What are the means of grace God has given us to cling to truth in the whirlwind of lies? This passage will guide us into the pillars of truth in the whirlwind of gospel undermining lies.
1 Timothy 3:8-13 | What comes to mind when you hear the word deacon varies widely based on your past church experience: from never having heard the term, to viewing deacons as those that care for the facility and provide food, to experiencing the deacons as the governing body of a church. Paul wrote this letter to Timothy so that “you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God.” (1 Timothy 3:15) So regardless of our past experiences, or even church tradition, we want to ensure we are following God’s model for the role of deacon in the household of God. And what we will find when studying the text of 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and also looking at a story in Acts 6:1-7, is that when deacons serve well in the household of God, needs are met, the Word is proclaimed, and the body is unified.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Healthy households have healthy leadership. The household of God must be led by leaders God calls and qualifies for the task. So who are the overseers of the house to be? And how do we know who is qualified for the task? These seven verses from 1 Timothy provide the answers for us.
1 Timothy 2:9-15 | The women in the household of God get a special opportunity to shine the light on the gospel in a deeply counter-cultural way. As we come to this section of the letter, we dive directly into one of the most controversial parts of scripture. Can women wear braids? What does Paul mean that he doesn't permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over men? What is cultural for the church in that day and what is true for our church today? We want to behave the way God calls his household to behave, and so Sunday we journey through this passage together.
1 Timothy 2:8 | In the church of Ephesus there was a charge for men and women to pray. In verse 8 Paul turns from men and women and specifically targets the men to step up and pray everywhere in the church. The men were lacking in this area because they were not praying when needed. There were issues taking place in the church where the men would look to argue instead of Pray. As we key in on this one verse we see Paul address the Men of Ephesus to turn from quarreling and lift holy hands in prayer, challenging all men to be praying men.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | Have you ever been at a restaurant when the server walks by with a fresh tray of fajitas? The steam rising off of the platter. The scent of deliciously marinated meats and peppers wafting past. The crackling sizzle of the hot plate. I swear they walk through the whole place just so everyone else wants fajitas too. Seeing that food when you’re this hungry, makes you want to choose it.
This is the call for every Christ-follower. We are called to pray and live in such a way that others are drawn to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Believers are charged to live with gospel magnetism. Open up to 1 Timothy 2 as we see 3 factors that will help equip us and motivate us to live a life of gospel magnetism.
1 Timothy 1:8-20 | With a succinct and simple power, John Newton, the writer of the famous hymn Amazing Grace said, “Although my memory’s fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner and Christ is a great Savior.”
This week we will see, in the course of three back-to-back, beautiful paragraphs in the book of 1 Timothy that this is in fact true: We are great sinners. Christ is a great Savior.
This simple gospel truth can never depart from the center of the household of God, and so once again we set it as the centerpiece and let it lead us to worship our God.
1 Timothy 1:1-7 | Every household has some expectations that the head of the household lays out. These expectations are to guide and promote what that household will look like when it is operating at its best. As the head of the household of faith, God lays out for us he desires his household of faith to function. In 1 Timothy we take a deep dive together in seeking to understand what it looks like to "behave in the household of faith." Nothing is more important than your life with Jesus, and one of the most important realities to your life with Jesus is you being part of a healthy household of faith. We begin the journey together to seek to hear God's heart for what this looks like in deeply practical ways.
Comfortably Lukewarm
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
The Jesus-Pleasing, Persevering Church
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
The Church on Life Support
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
Good Works and a Bad Wolf
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:18-29 | Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
Courage Without Compromise
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
No Matter the Cost
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
The Love We Had At First
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
Jesus Is Speaking, May We Hear
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
More from this series:
Revelation 3:14-22 | Imagine if all you ever had was lukewarm water. Never a cold cup of water to drink. Never a hot shower to be refreshed. Just lukewarm all the time. In this last letter, Jesus addresses a church lukewarm in state. What exactly does it mean for this church to be lukewarm? How did they get there? What does Jesus say about it? And how in his grace does he seek to call them out of it? What a letter for us to hear and heed at the close of this series together.
Download the final week of The 7 Churches resource here.
Revelation 3:7-13 | This is the most important question we can ask: "Jesus, what pleases you?"
The answer to that is everything. There is nothing more important for us personally and for us as a church than to continually ask that question.
As Jesus records a letter to the church at Philadelphia, he declares how pleased he is with this church. There is nothing in the letter in which he calls them out, just pure commendation from the Lord. So the question is, "What pleased Jesus in Philadelphia?" And then just as important, "How do we follow their lead to be a church pleasing in the sight of Jesus as well?"
Download Week 07 of The 7 Churches Weekly Resource here.
Revelation 3:1-6 | Some churches look alive. They...look...alive.
And yet Jesus would look down with an autopsy and say, "You are dead."
In the letter to Sardis, it is a sobering reality to hear that a church can have the reputation of being alive and yet be dead. Now, here is the hope: in this letter, Jesus gives a spiritual CPR plan for a church on life-support and ends the letter with this beautiful picture and promise of life for his conquerors. Only Jesus can start a letter to a dead congregation and end it in such triumphal language of life.
Download Week 06 of the 7 Churches Weekly resource here.
Where there is a great work of God happening among the people of God we must watch out for wolves seeking to attack that work. The church at Thyatira was thriving in good works to God's glory, but there was one problem, and it was a big problem. There was a wolf in their midst teaching and seducing the church into things that grieved the Lord. How did Jesus call them to handle this? How did Jesus himself say he would handle it? Let's look together at this letter and seek to grow in keeping good works while not tolerating bad wolves.
Download the 7 Churches Week 05 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:12-17 | It takes Spirit-given courage to hold fast to Christ in a cultural current that is often flowing strongly against the will and ways of Christ. And yet, even in the midst of that courage, it is easy for us to compromise. How do we hold courageously to Christ without compromising what we believe or how we behave? Jesus has some heavy and hope-filled words for the church at Pergamum we need to hear as well.
Download the 7 Churches Week 04 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:8-11 | Has following Christ proved to be costly in your life? Or to ask it another way: Are you prepared for following Christ to one day prove to be costly? In the Letter to the Church at Smyrna, the Lord encourages them in their costly faithfulness. Their allegiance to Christ has cost them much, and Christ warns will cost them even more in the days ahead. In this letter, we are called and equipped for the costly faithfulness following Christ demands, and we are reminded why that costly faithfulness is eternally worth it.
Download the 7 Churches Week 03 Study Resource here.
Revelation 2:1-7 | It is a scary reality that we can be zealous for defending what is good, pure, and right and yet have left the love we had at first. The church at Ephesus is commended for their protection of purity and patient endurance, yet they are called out by Christ for their abandonment of love. This is such a big deal Jesus threatens to remove their lampstand. What does this mean? What must we learn? How do we heed what Jesus has to say to his churches through this letter? And where might we need to remember the love we had at first, repent where we have left it, and return to the things we were doing before?
Download the 7 Churches Week 02 Study Resource here.
Revelation 1:1-20 | If Jesus walked into our service on Sunday, climbed the stairs, and took the microphone how would we listen to what he has to say? I pray that after picking our faces off the floor in worship, we would lean forward and cling to every word he had to say. The fact is, Jesus is in our midst as Lord and he is speaking to his churches. This week we will see him for the Lord he truly is and prepare our hearts for what he has to say to his churches in the seven letters that begin the book of Revelation.
P.S. Each week of this series we will put out a study resource written by a different voice in our church. This weekly resource will include 5 days worth of study material in the passage of Revelation from the week before. Download this week's resource here!
Servants of God
Luke 17:7-10 | Our current cultural context can partially be summarized by the phrase “the exaltation of self”. And this week, we see Jesus speak a parable that runs counter to this current cultural moment as well as our fleshly instincts. Specifically, Jesus teaches us that the position of disciple requires the posture of a servant. And as a servant of God, we are to do whatever is commanded; we are to focus on our duties and not on ourselves; we are to serve because this is our duty, and we are to find our worth, not in our accomplishments, but instead in our relationship to our Master who is God. What a privilege that God, our Heavenly Father, invites us to be His servants. There is no greater honor than to serve Him.
Luke 17:7-10 | Our current cultural context can partially be summarized by the phrase “the exaltation of self”. And this week, we see Jesus speak a parable that runs counter to this current cultural moment as well as our fleshly instincts. Specifically, Jesus teaches us that the position of disciple requires the posture of a servant. And as a servant of God, we are to do whatever is commanded; we are to focus on our duties and not on ourselves; we are to serve because this is our duty, and we are to find our worth, not in our accomplishments, but instead in our relationship to our Master who is God. What a privilege that God, our Heavenly Father, invites us to be His servants. There is no greater honor than to serve Him.
Relentless Faith
Mark 2:1-12 | For the past month or more, you’ve been inundated with Christmas movies, Christmas music, Christmas parties, gifts, and the celebration of the Advent of Jesus Christ. And what a tremendous celebration it is! But once the calendar flips from December 25thto December 26th, routine sets back in. The gifts are all open. The wrapping paper has been stuffed into trash bags. Things get back to “normal” and you start thinking about Monday or next week.
We’ve rightly spent most of December focused on the birth of Jesus Christ, but what comes next? In this sermon, we’ll go from the first weeks of Jesus' birth to the first weeks of Jesus’ ministry. What happens when Jesus makes an impact, not just on Christmas morning, but every morning? We’ll look at the faith of 5 unnamed men who met Jesus and walked away changed forever.
Mark 2:1-12 | For the past month or more, you’ve been inundated with Christmas movies, Christmas music, Christmas parties, gifts, and the celebration of the Advent of Jesus Christ. And what a tremendous celebration it is! But once the calendar flips from December 25thto December 26th, routine sets back in. The gifts are all open. The wrapping paper has been stuffed into trash bags. Things get back to “normal” and you start thinking about Monday or next week.
We’ve rightly spent most of December focused on the birth of Jesus Christ, but what comes next? In this sermon, we’ll go from the first weeks of Jesus' birth to the first weeks of Jesus’ ministry. What happens when Jesus makes an impact, not just on Christmas morning, but every morning? We’ll look at the faith of 5 unnamed men who met Jesus and walked away changed forever.
The Advent of Joy
Luke 2:8-11 | At Christmas time we sing about joy, we decorate with the word joy, but do we stop and really meditate on why the birth of Christ is so paramount to joy in the human heart. When the angel burst on the scene announcing the birth of Christ, he announced good news of great...? Joy! So let's look at this announcement together and understand fully how the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem allows joy to abound in the human heart.
Luke 2:8-11 | At Christmas time we sing about joy, we decorate with the word joy, but do we stop and really meditate on why the birth of Christ is so paramount to joy in the human heart. When the angel burst on the scene announcing the birth of Christ, he announced good news of great...? Joy! So let's look at this announcement together and understand fully how the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem allows joy to abound in the human heart.
More from this series:
Luke 2:8-11 | At Christmas time we sing about joy, we decorate with the word joy, but do we stop and really meditate on why the birth of Christ is so paramount to joy in the human heart. When the angel burst on the scene announcing the birth of Christ, he announced good news of great...? Joy! So let's look at this announcement together and understand fully how the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem allows joy to abound in the human heart.
1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.
Micah 5:1-5 | Peace. A longing of every human heart, and yet found to be so elusive by so many. Anxiety is skyrocketing, the headlines are the antithesis of peace, accomplishments pursued yet peace not found. Where do we look for peace? In a place? A position? A posture? Or in a person? The Advent season reminds us to truly take to heart the fact that Jesus is our peace but practically what does this mean?
Luke 2:22-38 | This time of year gets busy. All of the normal rhythms to our year can get thrown around as the calendar flips to December. There are extended school breaks on the horizon, Christmas parties to attend, annual traditions to look forward to. This is great fun and yet can mean life gets pretty busy. In the midst of that busyness, we long to keep Jesus at the center of our worship this Christmas. Together we will seek to do that very thing this Advent season. As we begin the advent series, we look to the hope that came to us in Christ coming to earth. How does the coming of Christ inform how we hope and who we hope in?
The Advent of Love
1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.
1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.
More from this series:
Luke 2:8-11 | At Christmas time we sing about joy, we decorate with the word joy, but do we stop and really meditate on why the birth of Christ is so paramount to joy in the human heart. When the angel burst on the scene announcing the birth of Christ, he announced good news of great...? Joy! So let's look at this announcement together and understand fully how the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem allows joy to abound in the human heart.
1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.
Micah 5:1-5 | Peace. A longing of every human heart, and yet found to be so elusive by so many. Anxiety is skyrocketing, the headlines are the antithesis of peace, accomplishments pursued yet peace not found. Where do we look for peace? In a place? A position? A posture? Or in a person? The Advent season reminds us to truly take to heart the fact that Jesus is our peace but practically what does this mean?
Luke 2:22-38 | This time of year gets busy. All of the normal rhythms to our year can get thrown around as the calendar flips to December. There are extended school breaks on the horizon, Christmas parties to attend, annual traditions to look forward to. This is great fun and yet can mean life gets pretty busy. In the midst of that busyness, we long to keep Jesus at the center of our worship this Christmas. Together we will seek to do that very thing this Advent season. As we begin the advent series, we look to the hope that came to us in Christ coming to earth. How does the coming of Christ inform how we hope and who we hope in?
He Is Our Peace
Micah 5:1-5 | Peace. A longing of every human heart, and yet found to be so elusive by so many. Anxiety is skyrocketing, the headlines are the antithesis of peace, accomplishments pursued yet peace not found. Where do we look for peace? In a place? A position? A posture? Or in a person? The Advent season reminds us to truly take to heart the fact that Jesus is our peace but practically what does this mean?
Micah 5:1-5 | Peace. A longing of every human heart, and yet found to be so elusive by so many. Anxiety is skyrocketing, the headlines are the antithesis of peace, accomplishments pursued yet peace not found. Where do we look for peace? In a place? A position? A posture? Or in a person? The Advent season reminds us to truly take to heart the fact that Jesus is our peace but practically what does this mean?
More from this series:
Luke 2:8-11 | At Christmas time we sing about joy, we decorate with the word joy, but do we stop and really meditate on why the birth of Christ is so paramount to joy in the human heart. When the angel burst on the scene announcing the birth of Christ, he announced good news of great...? Joy! So let's look at this announcement together and understand fully how the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem allows joy to abound in the human heart.
1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.
Micah 5:1-5 | Peace. A longing of every human heart, and yet found to be so elusive by so many. Anxiety is skyrocketing, the headlines are the antithesis of peace, accomplishments pursued yet peace not found. Where do we look for peace? In a place? A position? A posture? Or in a person? The Advent season reminds us to truly take to heart the fact that Jesus is our peace but practically what does this mean?
Luke 2:22-38 | This time of year gets busy. All of the normal rhythms to our year can get thrown around as the calendar flips to December. There are extended school breaks on the horizon, Christmas parties to attend, annual traditions to look forward to. This is great fun and yet can mean life gets pretty busy. In the midst of that busyness, we long to keep Jesus at the center of our worship this Christmas. Together we will seek to do that very thing this Advent season. As we begin the advent series, we look to the hope that came to us in Christ coming to earth. How does the coming of Christ inform how we hope and who we hope in?
The Advent of Hope
Luke 2:22-38 | This time of year gets busy. All of the normal rhythms to our year can get thrown around as the calendar flips to December. There are extended school breaks on the horizon, Christmas parties to attend, annual traditions to look forward to. This is great fun and yet can mean life gets pretty busy. In the midst of that busyness, we long to keep Jesus at the center of our worship this Christmas. Together we will seek to do that very thing this Advent season. As we begin the advent series, we look to the hope that came to us in Christ coming to earth. How does the coming of Christ inform how we hope and who we hope in?
Luke 2:22-38 | This time of year gets busy. All of the normal rhythms to our year can get thrown around as the calendar flips to December. There are extended school breaks on the horizon, Christmas parties to attend, annual traditions to look forward to. This is great fun and yet can mean life gets pretty busy. In the midst of that busyness, we long to keep Jesus at the center of our worship this Christmas. Together we will seek to do that very thing this Advent season. As we begin the advent series, we look to the hope that came to us in Christ coming to earth. How does the coming of Christ inform how we hope and who we hope in?
More from this series:
Luke 2:8-11 | At Christmas time we sing about joy, we decorate with the word joy, but do we stop and really meditate on why the birth of Christ is so paramount to joy in the human heart. When the angel burst on the scene announcing the birth of Christ, he announced good news of great...? Joy! So let's look at this announcement together and understand fully how the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem allows joy to abound in the human heart.
1 John 4:7-12 | The love of God can be one of those things that we overlook or get too close to and not see the power and beauty behind it. Like visiting the Grand Canyon over and over again, after a while, it can lose its draw. We grow calloused with God's love. But let us not let a knowledge familiarity keep us from experiencing the depth and height and width and length of the amazing, awe-inspiring, life-transforming love of God.
Micah 5:1-5 | Peace. A longing of every human heart, and yet found to be so elusive by so many. Anxiety is skyrocketing, the headlines are the antithesis of peace, accomplishments pursued yet peace not found. Where do we look for peace? In a place? A position? A posture? Or in a person? The Advent season reminds us to truly take to heart the fact that Jesus is our peace but practically what does this mean?
Luke 2:22-38 | This time of year gets busy. All of the normal rhythms to our year can get thrown around as the calendar flips to December. There are extended school breaks on the horizon, Christmas parties to attend, annual traditions to look forward to. This is great fun and yet can mean life gets pretty busy. In the midst of that busyness, we long to keep Jesus at the center of our worship this Christmas. Together we will seek to do that very thing this Advent season. As we begin the advent series, we look to the hope that came to us in Christ coming to earth. How does the coming of Christ inform how we hope and who we hope in?
This Is War
Ephesians 6:10–24 | We are in a war. When God's people seek to live the way Ephesians calls us to live, we will be confronted and affronted by the schemes of the enemy. There is a spiritual realm and there is a spiritual war. God has given us His armor for this war and has equipped us to know what battlefield to drag these spiritual wars onto.
Ephesians 6:10–24 | We are in a war. When God's people seek to live the way Ephesians calls us to live, we will be confronted and affronted by the schemes of the enemy. There is a spiritual realm and there is a spiritual war. God has given us His armor for this war and has equipped us to know what battlefield to drag these spiritual wars onto.
More from this series:
Ephesians 6:10–24 | We are in a war. When God's people seek to live the way Ephesians calls us to live, we will be confronted and affronted by the schemes of the enemy. There is a spiritual realm and there is a spiritual war. God has given us His armor for this war and has equipped us to know what battlefield to drag these spiritual wars onto.
Ephesians 6:5–9 | How does the gospel come to bear on your work? I don't just mean that you are looking to share the gospel at work, I mean how does an understanding of the finished work of Christ inform the way you work? The gospel shapes how you come under the authority of others in the workplace. The gospel shapes how you lead with authority over others in the workplace. This week's passage shapes what it looks like to bring the gospel to work.
Ephesians 6:1–4 | As we continue in our verse-by-verse series through Ephesians, we’ve entered a section dealing with relationships dynamics in the home. And this week, the parent/child relationship is up!
Let’s be honest – parenting is hard! Sleepless nights caring for the physical needs of infant babies turn into sleepless nights waiting up for teenagers to come home by curfew. So much of parenting is difficult, but it is so, so good. Every second you invest and every effort you make is worthy of the time and energy.
In talking with parents, most feel like they’re doing a bad job. It’s like baking a cake that you have to wait 25 years to see if you put in the right ingredients and the cake keeps deciding stuff for itself. If you open the oven and look today, of course, it’s still gooey in the middle! It’s not fully baked yet.
So let’s start with this question: how do you honestly evaluate your parenting? What is it that makes you feel like you’re doing a good job? Or a bad job? More importantly, what do you really want for your children? And what environment is going to cultivate it?
What makes the home spiritually healthy?
Ephesians 5:31–33 | Marriage is a beautiful representation of the relationship between Christ and his bride, the church. It was intended by God to be awesome and beautiful, and it's worth the work we put in to pursue the vision God has laid out for our marriage. Ephesians 5 lays a foundation for us to elevate the wonderful calling God gives husbands and wives and also gives us a roadmap for our marriages to be all God desires them to be.
Ephesians 5:15–21 | All of us have heard the repeated refrain, "Time just goes so fast." The longer we live, the more and more we know that to be true. As imitators of God, we are to walk in wisdom, making the best use of the time. So what does that look like? How do we make the best use of time as people walking in wisdom? This week God's word will guide us into evaluating how we are doing at this.
Ephesians 5:1–14 | We're talking about our walk with Jesus. Practically, what does the walk, or life, of a Jesus follower look like? This week we unpack 3 pretty clear characteristics of our walk with Christ. We are to walk in love, in the light, and in wisdom. Let's let God's word guide us into what that looks like in our daily life.
Ephesians 4:17–32 | They say a tiger can't change his stripes. That a leopard can't change his spots. These sayings (actually derived from an Old Testament passage) are used to mean that one cannot change his or her essential nature.
Tigers are always tigers and will always act like tigers. Leopards are always leopards and will always act like leopards.
We think this about ourselves and other people sometimes. "I'll always be like this." "This is just who I am." "He'll never change."
In many ways, it's probably true...but what if a tiger was no longer a tiger? What if a tiger became something entirely different? What would it do then?
And what if WE became something totally different, what would we do then?
Open up to Ephesians 4 this week and find out.
Ephesians 4:7–16 | We are unified as a body of Christ by the seven "ones" we looked at last week, and yet we are made up as a diverse community with diverse gifts that are to be used and stewarded for the building up of the body. Together let's step into an understanding of how this unified body we call the church thrives when we all bring a diversity of our giftedness to it.
Ephesians 4:1–6 | The body of Christ is beautifully unified with a diversity of gifts. When we understand what unites us and how the diversity of our gifts are to operate in that unity, we experience all God intended us to experience as a member of his body. Over the next two weeks, we will dive deeply into this unity of body and diversity of gifts.
Ephesians 3:14–21 | We all need spiritual power, and where else can we turn for spiritual power other than the God of all power. As Paul moves us from the doctrinal rich first part of the letter to the wonderfully practical second part, he prays for spiritual power for Jesus followers who will read this. We join in the petitions and praise of this prayer as we walk through it this Sunday.
Ephesians 3:1–13 | Paul unpacks the ministry God had given him to steward to make the mystery known that Jews and Gentiles are fellow heirs together through the gospel. In doing so, he helps us understand 2 things that are worth it for us today in making the gospel known.
Ephesians 2:11–22 | Ephesians 2 began with this beautiful paragraph of how God has taken us who we were in our spiritual deadness and given us life in Christ. This paragraph is so beautiful that it can overshadow the beauty of this next paragraph connected to it. Christ has not only demolished the dividing wall between us and God, Christ has demolished the dividing wall between believers as well. Let's rejoice together at how Christ, by his blood, has truly made us one in Christ.
Ephesians 2:1–10 | When we remember where we were before Christ we rejoice all the more in where we are now in Christ. The bad news of who we were pre-Jesus makes us worship over who we are now in Jesus. Let's walk through and worship together seeing this as we walk through the gospel in a paragraph.
Ephesians 1:15–23 | It's one thing to know doctrinal truths in the head, it's another thing to see them with our hearts. Coming out of the riches of the doctrine that is ours in Christ, Paul has a prayer for these believers. His prayer is that God would open the eyes of their heart so they will see these truths and in seeing these truths they would know three things with certainty.
Ephesians 1:1–14 | Blessed be God!
Life is about this. God is the center and source of everything. He is supreme over all, and He is worthy of us blessing or praising him with all of our beings. If we need some kindling to stoke our praise, let's walk through this wonderful, worshipful run-on sentence Paul begins Ephesians with and lets it lead our heart to cry out in praise to Bless God for all He is and all He has done.
The Gospel at Work
Ephesians 6:5–9 | How does the gospel come to bear on your work? I don't just mean that you are looking to share the gospel at work, I mean how does an understanding of the finished work of Christ inform the way you work? The gospel shapes how you come under the authority of others in the workplace. The gospel shapes how you lead with authority over others in the workplace. This week's passage shapes what it looks like to bring the gospel to work.
Ephesians 6:5–9 | How does the gospel come to bear on your work? I don't just mean that you are looking to share the gospel at work, I mean how does an understanding of the finished work of Christ inform the way you work? The gospel shapes how you come under the authority of others in the workplace. The gospel shapes how you lead with authority over others in the workplace. This week's passage shapes what it looks like to bring the gospel to work.
More from this series:
Ephesians 6:10–24 | We are in a war. When God's people seek to live the way Ephesians calls us to live, we will be confronted and affronted by the schemes of the enemy. There is a spiritual realm and there is a spiritual war. God has given us His armor for this war and has equipped us to know what battlefield to drag these spiritual wars onto.
Ephesians 6:5–9 | How does the gospel come to bear on your work? I don't just mean that you are looking to share the gospel at work, I mean how does an understanding of the finished work of Christ inform the way you work? The gospel shapes how you come under the authority of others in the workplace. The gospel shapes how you lead with authority over others in the workplace. This week's passage shapes what it looks like to bring the gospel to work.
Ephesians 6:1–4 | As we continue in our verse-by-verse series through Ephesians, we’ve entered a section dealing with relationships dynamics in the home. And this week, the parent/child relationship is up!
Let’s be honest – parenting is hard! Sleepless nights caring for the physical needs of infant babies turn into sleepless nights waiting up for teenagers to come home by curfew. So much of parenting is difficult, but it is so, so good. Every second you invest and every effort you make is worthy of the time and energy.
In talking with parents, most feel like they’re doing a bad job. It’s like baking a cake that you have to wait 25 years to see if you put in the right ingredients and the cake keeps deciding stuff for itself. If you open the oven and look today, of course, it’s still gooey in the middle! It’s not fully baked yet.
So let’s start with this question: how do you honestly evaluate your parenting? What is it that makes you feel like you’re doing a good job? Or a bad job? More importantly, what do you really want for your children? And what environment is going to cultivate it?
What makes the home spiritually healthy?
Ephesians 5:31–33 | Marriage is a beautiful representation of the relationship between Christ and his bride, the church. It was intended by God to be awesome and beautiful, and it's worth the work we put in to pursue the vision God has laid out for our marriage. Ephesians 5 lays a foundation for us to elevate the wonderful calling God gives husbands and wives and also gives us a roadmap for our marriages to be all God desires them to be.
Ephesians 5:15–21 | All of us have heard the repeated refrain, "Time just goes so fast." The longer we live, the more and more we know that to be true. As imitators of God, we are to walk in wisdom, making the best use of the time. So what does that look like? How do we make the best use of time as people walking in wisdom? This week God's word will guide us into evaluating how we are doing at this.
Ephesians 5:1–14 | We're talking about our walk with Jesus. Practically, what does the walk, or life, of a Jesus follower look like? This week we unpack 3 pretty clear characteristics of our walk with Christ. We are to walk in love, in the light, and in wisdom. Let's let God's word guide us into what that looks like in our daily life.
Ephesians 4:17–32 | They say a tiger can't change his stripes. That a leopard can't change his spots. These sayings (actually derived from an Old Testament passage) are used to mean that one cannot change his or her essential nature.
Tigers are always tigers and will always act like tigers. Leopards are always leopards and will always act like leopards.
We think this about ourselves and other people sometimes. "I'll always be like this." "This is just who I am." "He'll never change."
In many ways, it's probably true...but what if a tiger was no longer a tiger? What if a tiger became something entirely different? What would it do then?
And what if WE became something totally different, what would we do then?
Open up to Ephesians 4 this week and find out.
Ephesians 4:7–16 | We are unified as a body of Christ by the seven "ones" we looked at last week, and yet we are made up as a diverse community with diverse gifts that are to be used and stewarded for the building up of the body. Together let's step into an understanding of how this unified body we call the church thrives when we all bring a diversity of our giftedness to it.
Ephesians 4:1–6 | The body of Christ is beautifully unified with a diversity of gifts. When we understand what unites us and how the diversity of our gifts are to operate in that unity, we experience all God intended us to experience as a member of his body. Over the next two weeks, we will dive deeply into this unity of body and diversity of gifts.
Ephesians 3:14–21 | We all need spiritual power, and where else can we turn for spiritual power other than the God of all power. As Paul moves us from the doctrinal rich first part of the letter to the wonderfully practical second part, he prays for spiritual power for Jesus followers who will read this. We join in the petitions and praise of this prayer as we walk through it this Sunday.
Ephesians 3:1–13 | Paul unpacks the ministry God had given him to steward to make the mystery known that Jews and Gentiles are fellow heirs together through the gospel. In doing so, he helps us understand 2 things that are worth it for us today in making the gospel known.
Ephesians 2:11–22 | Ephesians 2 began with this beautiful paragraph of how God has taken us who we were in our spiritual deadness and given us life in Christ. This paragraph is so beautiful that it can overshadow the beauty of this next paragraph connected to it. Christ has not only demolished the dividing wall between us and God, Christ has demolished the dividing wall between believers as well. Let's rejoice together at how Christ, by his blood, has truly made us one in Christ.
Ephesians 2:1–10 | When we remember where we were before Christ we rejoice all the more in where we are now in Christ. The bad news of who we were pre-Jesus makes us worship over who we are now in Jesus. Let's walk through and worship together seeing this as we walk through the gospel in a paragraph.
Ephesians 1:15–23 | It's one thing to know doctrinal truths in the head, it's another thing to see them with our hearts. Coming out of the riches of the doctrine that is ours in Christ, Paul has a prayer for these believers. His prayer is that God would open the eyes of their heart so they will see these truths and in seeing these truths they would know three things with certainty.
Ephesians 1:1–14 | Blessed be God!
Life is about this. God is the center and source of everything. He is supreme over all, and He is worthy of us blessing or praising him with all of our beings. If we need some kindling to stoke our praise, let's walk through this wonderful, worshipful run-on sentence Paul begins Ephesians with and lets it lead our heart to cry out in praise to Bless God for all He is and all He has done.