Browse our Sermon Series:
How Are More Disciples Made?
Disciples are made as we pursue others the way God has pursued us. Let’s dive further into this pursuit and the ministry of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5:16-21 | Disciples are made as we pursue others the way God has pursued us. Let’s dive further into this pursuit and the ministry of reconciliation.
We Become What We Behold
In the midst of such busy and stressful lives, how do we learn to rely on the Spirit’s life giving freedom? Let’s dive into Corinthians 3:12-18 to find out.
Disciples of Jesus Follow Jesus
At the heart of our ministry lies this mission statement: To glorify God by making disciples. This isn't a mission we came up with but is a mission Jesus left us with in his teaching of the Great Commission. If we are going to make disciples and fulfill our mission, we better be able to answer some simple questions about disciples and discipleship. In this four week series, we tackle four basic questions, beginning with this one: What is a disciple? Let's look at what Jesus teaches in John 3 about the need to be born again as foundational to what it means to be a disciple of him.
Luke 9:57-62 | At the heart of our ministry lies this mission statement: To glorify God by making disciples. This isn't a mission we came up with but is a mission Jesus left us with in his teaching of the Great Commission. If we are going to make disciples and fulfill our mission, we better be able to answer some simple questions about disciples and discipleship. In this four week series, we tackle four basic questions, and this week the question is: What does a disciple do? Let's look at what Jesus teaches in Luke 9 about what it takes to be a disciple.
Born Again
At the heart of our ministry lies this mission statement: To glorify God by making disciples. This isn't a mission we came up with but is a mission Jesus left us with in his teaching of the Great Commission. If we are going to make disciples and fulfill our mission, we better be able to answer some simple questions about disciples and discipleship. In this four week series, we tackle four basic questions, beginning with this one: What is a disciple? Let's look at what Jesus teaches in John 3 about the need to be born again as foundational to what it means to be a disciple of him.
John 3:1-21 | At the heart of our ministry lies this mission statement: To glorify God by making disciples. This isn't a mission we came up with but is a mission Jesus left us with in his teaching of the Great Commission. If we are going to make disciples and fulfill our mission, we better be able to answer some simple questions about disciples and discipleship. In this four week series, we tackle four basic questions, beginning with this one: What is a disciple? Let's look at what Jesus teaches in John 3 about the need to be born again as foundational to what it means to be a disciple of him.